A museum as a custodian of the cultural memory of the society does not only perfectly fit into the cultural, creative and hospitality industry family, but obviously also enriches it.
Museums often provide an opportunity to create new services and goods, but with the originality that allows creativity and innovation to manifest themselves through the effective exploitation of the wealth accumulated during the centuries in the museums in the form of tangible and intangible heritage. Ideally, a museum acts as a catalyst for creativity and growth. But for that to happen, like other complex systems, a museum should be re-started from time to time.
Current time in Latvia is characterized by a number of ambitious museum renovation projects: the Latvian National Museum of Art, the National History Museum of Latvia, Riga Motor Museum, the Literature and Music Museum, a number of memorial museums. All this public space is now at a stage of preparation for reconstruction or is already being reconstructed and in the very near future will be modernized and will become an up-to-date welcoming and affordable space for meeting, learning and gaining experience.
What is it – to re-start/pār-atjaunot a museum? How is the process of re-creation of a museum understood and evaluated by different involved parties – customers, contractors and potential museum visitors?
Focusing on museums and creative industries synergies, we invite you to the event, which will offer a democratic platform for the exchange of experience and transfer of knowledge in order to encourage thinking, which is also a re-start button.
All of the participants must register here prior the conference
Kontaktpersona: Gunta Miheloviča, Gunta.Mihelovica@km.gov.lv, (+371) 67330243