The festival “Komēta” is an interdisciplinary cultural event in the Daugavgrīva fortress, widening the access to the culture and enriching the cultural diversity on the local and international level.

It provides a wide cultural and educational programme for visitors in several thematically linked villages – live music, temporary circus, Academy of Komēta, cinema and visual arts – all of this you can see at Komēta. This year the festival was held already for the third time.

The festival is non-commercial; its organization is based on the principles of the participation. An important characteristic of Komēta is that organisers have seriously thought about leaving as small impact on nature as possible, defining several important principles of planning and implementing the festival. One of the Free Rīga discussions on opportunities of development of urban places and neighbourhoods was also held during the festival.

From 27 to 29 July 2018, more than 3000 people visited the festival in three days. There were neighbourhoods’ clean-ups organised before the festival, involving people from local communities.