The conference on inclusive education - “Inclusive school – towards a unified policy and practice” - was organised by the British Council in Latvia in cooperation with ESF project No. “Competency based curriculum” or Skola2030 implemented by the National Centre for Education (NCE), and with the support of the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO.
The objective of the event was to promote a more in-depth understanding about inclusive education, to gather information about the good practices of parties involved in the learning process, to share it, and to find ways together for making this process more inclusive for each student. Emphasis within the conference was placed on the curriculum and the approach to it, as well as on the support needed by students and teachers.
The programme of the conference was made up of two topics:
- Pedagogics of diversity – pedagogical approaches and strategies in classes of children with different language, social and economic backgrounds; diversity management; and,
- Support to children with learning disabilities and special needs.
Letters from the organisers of the conference:
The team of the British Council in Latvia expresses gratitude to its partners – the project “Skola2030” implemented by the National Centre for Education, and to the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO for the cooperation and support in organisation of the conference, as well as to the lecturers and workshop moderators for informative presentations, and to all the teaching professionals who took an active part in the conference lectures and workshops. Every child has the right to be included in the mainstream education system of the country; these are their human rights regardless of their sex, ethnicity, skills, socio-economic status or state of health. A successful and sustainable inclusive practice in schools can only be provided by implementing meaningful changes in all levels of education, which is why it is important to discuss these inclusive education issues at a time when new standards of education and approaches to learning are being implemented in our country. In future, when shaping an inclusive education environment, teachers should not only pay attention to the subject matter and the way they present it, but also to inclusive values such as respect, cooperation, tolerance, helpfulness and empathy, which clearly affect the microclimate and relationships in the classroom. With this in mind, we are happy that this conference gathered more than 250 teaching professionals and experts, who aim at a better understanding of the values of an inclusive society, and to introduce them in their daily life.
Team of the project “Competency based curriculum” or Skola2030
Thanks to all those people involved in the organisation of the conference - “Inclusive school – towards a unified policy and practice” - for a successful event, as well as the participants for their involvement, moderators of workshops and discussions for sharing their experiences, opinions and resources, as well as the British Council in Latvia and the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO.
In Skola2030, work with the new curriculum and the approach to the mainstream education is one of the most important education principles that is based on the planning and implementation of the curriculum and the approach in schools as an inclusive educational approach. This may be implemented by evaluating the various learning needs of pupils and satisfying them with different methods and approaches, open communication, as well as shaping a safe and appropriate environment, with no discrimination. Significant resources are used within the project to develop learning and methodological tools for children with special needs; it also aims to show methods for supporting teachers when implementing inclusive education and improving their skills for work with children with different learning needs.
To effectively implement the inclusive education approach, we need a common agreement on objectives to fully include all children in the learning process, with a high quality, and to involve various cooperation partners who can offer practical solutions at national and international level. This conference was an important meeting point and conversation platform for experts and policy representatives to identify these solutions and involve partners in the implementation process. We will be glad to continue commenced collaborations within the project Skola2030 and to promote the implementation of the inclusive education approach in Latvia.
The programme of the conference with descriptions of the work sessions
Presentations of the conference lecturers
Opening remarks of the conference “Inclusive school – towards a unified policy and practice’’
Inclusive education: a vision of a fair education system.
Marija Golubeva, analyst of the education policy
- Presentation: Marija Golubeva: Iekļaujoša izglītība taisnīgas izglītības sistēmas vīzija (Adobe PDF 915KB)
- Video:
‘Inclusive school’: in a pupil’s view.
Marius Frank, Achievement for all [UK], E-education and material development director
- Video:
Vision about the situation of the inclusive and special education in Latvia.
Mārīte Rozenfelde, Asoc. prof., Dr. paed., Rēzekne academy of Technologies, Expert of the Skola2030
- Presentation: Marite Rozenfelde: Redzejums par ieklaujosas un specialas izglitibas situaciju Latvija (Adobe PDF 4MB)
- Video:
Inclusive learning: role and influence of a teacher.
Sian Williams, Professional development coach of the British Council programme “Connecting Classrooms”
- Presentation: Sian Williams: Ieklaujosa macisanas skolotaja loma un ietekme (Adobe PDF 2MB)
- Video:
The panel on various cultures and ethnicities in education within the conference on inclusive education
- Video:
The panel on a harmonised policy within the conference on inclusive education
- Video:
Summary of the conference: “Inclusive school – towards a unified policy and practice”
- Video:
Presentations of some work sessions:
Models of support for pupils with different learning needs.
Kris Wodehouse, Regional Lead, Achievement for All
- Presentation: Krisa Wodenhausa: Support models for children with various learning needs (Adobe PDF 2MB)
- Video:
Differentiated approach to study processes: methods for the inclusion of children with different learning needs.
Sian Williams, Professional development coach of the British Council programme “ Connecting Classrooms”
- Presentation: Sian Williams: Diferencēta pieeja mācībām paņēmieni bērnu ar daudzveidīgām mācīšanās vajadzībām iekļaušanai (Adobe PDF 666KB)
Use of technologies to promote inclusive education.
Marius Frank, Achievement for all [UK], E-education and material development director
- Presentation: Mariuss Franks: Tehnoloģiju izmantošana iekļaušanai 1. daļa (Adobe PDF 1MB)
Mariuss Frank: Tehnoloģijas izmantošana iekļaujošo mācību vajadzībām, 2. daļa (Adobe PDF 2MB)
Relationship and conflict resolution in an inclusive classroom.
Sian Williams, Professional development coach of the British Council programme “ Connecting Classrooms”
- Presentation: Siana Villiams: Attiecibu un konfliktu risinasana ieklaujosa klase (Adobe PDF 1MB)
Methods for work in a diverse classroom. Kathryn Harjula, Pre-school teacher, International School of Riga
- Presentation: Kathryn Harjula: Methods for work in a diverse classroom
Link to photos of the conference:
Inquiry on the conference and option to apply for the confirmation of participation: